Jelle Martens (1990, Belgium) is a visual artist and publisher for artist's books with INFINITIF and experimental music with Blickwinkel. He also works as a sleeve designer (PDF) for various music labels.



2024    I cannot love without trembling, solo exhibition, Rue Du Chapeau 10, Brussels
2024    À Reclasser, group exhibition, Keizersbastion, Antwerp Art Weekend
2024    Schakels, solo exhibition, Koninklijke Academie beeldende Kunst, Oudenaarde
2024    Te Lande Rozengaard, group exhibition, Ghent
2024    DoUndo / recycling G + Fugue, A Light’s Travelogue, with Els van Riel, de Koer with Art Cinema OFFoff, Ghent
2023    of, ook but not quite, exhibition with Veva Leye, CONVENT, Ghent
2023    Pas de deux, exhibition with Sébastien Conard, Paard Van Troje, Ghent
2022    À Reclasser, exhibition, Musée de la Résistance, Brussels
2022    Confluences, exhibition, Werkplaats Walter, Brussels
2022    Open studios, exhibition, Werkplaats Walter, Brussels
2021    tricks, truths, toys, tales, traps, trends, group exhibition, BLANCO, Ghent
2021    100+more, book exhibition, Werkplaats Walter, Brussels
2020    Het uitstapje naar de bergen, group exhibition, 019, Ghent
2020    Voor Rachel, group exhibition, Ostend
2019    Mogelijke Combinaties, solo exhibition, de Koer, Ghent
2019    Pikket, solo exhibition, Concertgebouw Brugge, Bruges
2018    Kunstenfestival Plan B, group exhibition, Bekegem
2018    Limiek, solo exhibition, de Poel, Ghent
2017    Tomato red, bbbb, roc, solo exhibition, BLANCO, Ghent
2017    The Handling Shapes, analog film residency program, Brussels, 5’56”, 16 mm
2017    The Goal, solo exhibition, Concertgebouw, Bruges
2017    Fengling, solo exhibition, Blindekenskapel, Bruges
2017    Phare & Lijnlandschappen, Solo exhibition, KAAP, Vrijstaat O, Ostend
2017    GROND Salons, Frame Research, Zaal België, Hasselt
2017    A City Is Not A Road, group exhibition, Bernaerts Huis, Antwerp
2016    Ways Of Folding, group exhibition, Z33 House for contemporary art, Hasselt
2016    Most people never eat poetry #1, group exhibition, LUCA School of Arts, Ghent
2016    Image as language, solo exhibition, Gouvernement, Ghent


Exhibition ‘on and on and on and on’, 6 September – 17 September 2023, Leuven, Belgium by Celine De Geest